Monday, March 1, 2010

i gotta keep myself open this week....

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): A particular person in your life (or more than one, for that matter) may surprise you this week… and in a good-surprise kind of way. (In fact, that certain person could prove to be the actual surprise him-/herself, if a beloved figure from your past returns or a soon-to-be-beloved figure from your future finally arrives.) But you, Virgo, also bear the potential to miss the surprise altogether, if you are so sure you know how a given interaction or the flow of your entire day is going to go that you're merely moving through the motions, getting exactly what you expected to get because that's all you're open to. To take advantage of the continuing influences of startling insight and evolutionary growth in your relationship house (the 7th), then, you mustn't assume you've 'figured out' any other individual's behaviors, motivations, intentions or feelings toward you. Even if you've been partnered with them for years or decades, they may still have a new trick or two up their sleeve. Allow them the freedom to be different—and allow yourself the joy of being pleasantly surprised.

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