Wednesday, March 24, 2010

tiny art director

so i used to read this blog tiny art director, it's a really cool and cute blog about a guy who draws ideas from his daughter and then she critiques them.  it's hilarious and cute and totally random.  i guess now he has a book out.  fantastic!

tampon chandelier

so i found this a little while ago, but forgot to share.....

 and here is a close-up.

ridiculous! and i love it!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

in order to live a full life...

remember to be open

Whatever you do, make sure to infuse it with passion, Cindy. You may have the tendency to over-analyze everything, when in reality, what you need to do is follow your intuition. You know deep down in your heart which way you should proceed, and how you should treat the people around you. Don't try to force the situation or try to manipulate it into something that it is not. This is a wonderful day for you in which you have the opportunity to share a greater part of yourself with others. Be open to receiving the love and understanding that you deserve.