Saturday, September 27, 2008

the new fashion

so i was perusing boingboing the other day and i found something really cool. it's done by a youth organization based in the bay. read it here.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

who can i call for help?

where am i?

to new york or not to new york

i came up with the brilliant idea to run off to new york next week, but now i'm not so sure i can go. at the time, it was a stroke of genius and the tickets are relatively cheap. the thing is, i'm not sure i have a place to crash. it's bad timing with my friend in new york. i dunno. maybe i should just show up and see what happens.....

i have been really anxious recently and it's kinda making me crazy. that's why running off to new york seems like such a good idea. i dunno. i have no idea what i need right now. i feel like i'm rambling right now. not to many coherent, cohesive thoughts. it's all kind of a jumble in here.