Tuesday, July 13, 2010

myers-briggs take 3

just took a 'career test' and it seemed like a myers-briggs test.  apparently i am not the same as i was.

this was my result this time:


ESTJ's fear a bankrupt nation that abandons its heritage and its obligation to a prescribed set of standards. Like all SJ's, ESTJ's feel the need to earn their place in a just society. ESTJ's believe that membership is ensured through responsible serving and the threat of being forsaken or cast out will make them feel insecure. They will worry about dereliction of duties and betrayal. The resulting stress can cause ESTJ's to redouble their efforts at controlling disorder. In an effort to correct what they feel is out of place, they will direct their anger and frustration at what they consider the irresponsible behavior of others. At these times, others may feel the ESTJ is not responsive to their point of view and is jumping to unjustified conclusions.

If stress continues, the ESTJ may become physically immobilized and experience illness, unpleasant bodily sensations, and fatigue. Feeling incapacitated, the ESTJ dreads the thought of being deserted and begins to feel increasingly unappreciated and left out. Their grievance list usually includes those to whom they are responsible; thus it may appear that the ESTJ is neglecting their own obligations by blaming others. While exempting themselves from their own responsibilities, the ESTJ may henpeck and nag others. This can cause those who feel hindered by the ESTJ's complaints to feel defiant and to rebel further.


This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.

government employee
pharmaceutical sales
computer analyst
technical trainer
project manager
officer manager
factory supervisor
credit analyst
electrical engineer
regulatory compliance officer
chief information officer
construction worker
general contractor
industrial engineer
budget analyst
data base manager
funeral director
security guard

weird.  one career option for me is a funeral director.  odd.