Tuesday, November 17, 2009

first person narratives

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): An article in the Online Noetics Network profiled the work of Robert Muller, who served as Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations. It said that Muller is "one of the best informed human beings on the planet," with an "encyclopedic grasp of the facts concerning the state of the world." And yet Muller doesn't keep up with the news as it's reported in the media. Instead, he simply talks to people, either in person as he travels, or on the phone, or through written correspondence. These interactions provide him with all the understanding he needs. I recommend that you try Muller's approach for a while, Virgo. Assume that you can get all the information you really need by gathering first-hand reports from people about what's actually
happening in their lives.