Friday, March 27, 2009

where is everyone?

all my online buddies have been gone for the last few days. it makes me think they are not at work and are out playing in the sun. i'm so jealous!

fried day

wow. i'm already so overwhelmed today. have actually been overwhelmed since i left the house. this is so uncalled for. it's friday fer crissakes! it's beautiful out. it's spring! i should feel footloose and fancy free, dammit. blech. i really need to work on this complain-y ness and cranky-ness. i'm bored with me being like this. starting now. a lot less complaints and cranks. :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

hamster on a piano!?! hahahaha!

35 years

so yesterday was my parents' anniversary. they have been married for 35 years! it's really crazy. especially considering how much they get on each other's nerves. yeah, so i went home to see them and have dinner. everything was great through dinner and dessert. and then they started to get into a fight. so i left. i just can't watch it anymore. and luckily, i'm old enough now that i can go to my own house. maybe i just ran away, but i've had to deal with their weird fighting my whole life. and i've always been deliberately put in the middle of it. i guess it shows growth that i can walk away from it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

cleaning the inner sludge

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): None of this is terribly pleasant or easy, I'm afraid. (Though, if I'm wrong, I'll happily exchange my accuracy for your easy pleasure.) In my imagination of your current state, Virgo, you are the pipe underneath the proverbial kitchen sink that's had one too many pans of bacon grease poured down your tubes… and you're presently being scraped, prodded and probed by the equivalent of the cosmos' Roto-Rooter man. How on earth could that be comfortable? Yet, as the caked-on crap is, slowly and surely (or was that slowly and painfully?), being excised from your psychic cavities, you are receiving an incredibly deep cleanse. To make the most of it then (and to make it go as quickly as possible), you mustn't hold on to those residual bits of experiences once enjoyed or endured, as if to let them go would be the same as to erase your memories—or as releasing other people from their responsibilities in creating those memories. This is a hyper-super-Aries moment, my dear… and Aries types hardly hold onto anything, as long as there's somewhere new and exciting to move toward. Why look back? Please surrender to that celestial pipe-cleaner currently being forced through your innards, all the while repeating the same notions to yourself over and over in your head. Let go. Release. Embracing the concept definitely assists in the actual discharge.