Monday, May 5, 2008


it is so satisfying to do some physical labor. yesterday i got to rip apart a kitchen and it was so much fun. everything got done and i was covered in sweat and dust and i felt so accomplished. i now have these small battle scars from conquering the kitchen. it makes me smile. i love productive destruction.

also, i ended up getting a free meal and drinks last night after coming back from deconstructing. it was an extra bonus for some of the hustling that i have been doing. i know a little while ago, i felt like all my hustling of contract work didn't seem like it was paying off in any way, since i was still broke, but now, things are kinda looking clearer. i'm still broke, but it's ok. i not only got paid for my work, but i also got a free meal and drinks and some quality time with folks. i guess that is more important to me anyways. money comes and goes, but quality time with good people is worth so much more than that.