Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


so apparently i cannot drink whiskey for a while. i have been a hot mess all night long. i can't stop crying. i can't stop blaming myself. i can't stop the asian guilt. i've stopped smoking. maybe i need to stop drinking for a while too. i'm totally outta control emotionally. the more i try to 'control' my emotions, the more they take over my life. i have been crying all night and blaming myself and i don't know what to do. and drinking whiskey is not helping matters. obviously. i have now been puking and crying for several hours now. this is ridiculous. i need to take responsibility for myself....and love myself....we'll see. asian guilt runs deep, but i'm working on getting over it. one step at a time.

Monday, March 2, 2009


things for me to keep in mind this week.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): What I most sincerely hope for you right at this moment, Virgo, is the realization of your inescapable interconnectedness with those most closely around you. While realizing you need other people and they need you too may not seem like the most life-altering epiphany you could invite (since, well, of course you know that already), some of its finer implications may require additional consideration on your part. For instance, when it comes to the mountainous mound of work you're neck-deep in tackling (see last week), you're going to have to accept the reality that the final outcome is beyond your sole control. You can sink your all-time world's-highest-quality effort into your part, yet the manner in which fellow participants assume their necessary roles in the process is a variable you cannot manipulate to your desired ends. Thus, the endeavor's broader success is reliant on more than just your dutiful labor (which isn't in question anyhow, is it?)—it depends on your ability to work well with others, to factor their responsibilities and opinions into your outlook, and to adjust your expectations so they suit a collaborative approach. And your sanity, therefore, hinges on not obsessing over the details that fall outside the realm of your management. I repeat: You cannot control the entire final outcome, only your part. Over the coming weeks, you'll find this notion of shared responsibility popping up in multiple arenas across your life.