Thursday, September 11, 2008

more birthday ramblings

so yes, the day has gotten clearer, or rather my mind has gotten clearer as the skies have gotten grayer. i have been wrestling with a decision about my job situation for the past few weeks and this afternoon it got cleared up. i can only really take being blamed and belittled for things i haven't done at just one of my jobs. now that it is happening at both, well, i say fuck you. i'm gonna leave both of them. i said a little while ago that i only wanted to work one job and make a certain amount of money. well, i have been offered that and i am going to take it. to be able to make enough money so i don't have to live check to check. to have health insurance again. to have paid vacations. to not have crazy bosses to deal with. to have time to spend with my sweetie. to have time to do art again. well, why wouldn't i take it? at least for the next little bit. we'll see what else the future brings. i do know that i have the strength and the power to manifest what i want. apparently all i need to do is say it and then it happens. life is good. 33 is gonna be a great year!

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