Friday, December 14, 2007

letting things go

so i gave notice a few weeks ago at the job that i hate and i had some anxiety because i didn't have a job lined up. i have never put in notice or quit a job without having something else lined up. but this year has been all about putting myself into awkward and uncomfortable situations. anyways, i knew that i would find a job. i always do. everything always works out. so i applied to work at a saddle company that is based in east oakland. totally random. i interviewed and was waiting to hear back. in the mean time, i had two people contact me about work. two non-freelance jobs. it was kinda amazing to see that i am in demand. that people want to hire me sight unseen. anyways, before all that i had made a list of the things i want in a job at this point in my life. i was pretty specific and i got it! it's amazing to me how my thoughts manifest in real life. anyways, i've been listening to this on repeat and it's just adding to my good mood today.....

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