Wednesday, October 31, 2007


last night was the first time in a long time that i have had time to myself. i was able to kick in my house alone and just hang out. i did homework, took a nap, read, played on the internet and just laid about for while. it was so nice. i feel like a whole different person now. i really need to remember to do that more often. it just made me want to do more of that. i kind of want to hibernate for the winter. but alas, that just isn't really possible. but i'm glad that i got those 7 hours last night.

as a side note, it's really weird to be woken up from a nap by an earthquake. i didn't believe that it really was one. initially i thought i was just having a really vivid dream. then i thought my girlfriend had left her job to come to my house to shake my bed then leave. so in my groggy disbelief i went to my good friend google and looked it up online. and lo and was an actual earthquake.

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