Sunday, June 10, 2007


so i've been going to get a massage every week from a friend of mine. it's one of the ways that i have been taking care of myself. it's been an interesting process to really see how connected my physical body is to my emotions. it's interesting to be aware of this connection and i'm working to take care of my body and to deal with my emotions so they don't build up. it's been really good and i've enjoyed it.

well, for the most part when i'm done with my massage, my face feels all tingly and i feel really spacey and out of it. so i usually sit and have some water and chat with my masseuse. well, last week she informs me that basically all those times, she has been putting my body into shock! it didn't even occur to me. i mean, i have never really gotten a lot of massages. (before this, i had only had like 2 professional massages) anyways....yeah, shock. and i had no idea. i just thought it was normal. i mean, i felt really good and just didn't know it was shock. the things you learn by doing......

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