Monday, June 18, 2007

why i don't go to the castro

so i met up with some friends who came to visit from l.a. they were in the castro, so we went to the mix. which was fine. a small, chill bar. but then we went to badlands. weird. i think the last time i went to badlands was like 10 years ago and they were playing porn on the monitors. now it's all music videos and really 'modern' looking. i have also not been around so many bio males in a really long time. bio white males to boot. it's interesting to see them really act out their privilege. i know it's a bar/club and it's crowded and all, but really, they just plowed into me and my friends without even noticing. it was fuckin' ridiculous. i hate the castro and tonight i was reminded why i don't go there. we also hit up the cafe for a minute, but it was super dead, so we ended up at the lexington. wow. so many hipster, skinny white girls with bad hair. but it was nice to actually be able to talk to my friends and catch up for a bit. but really, why is there so much space for white folks?!?!? where are all the brown folks? where are the spots with cool, chill, down to earth folks of color? are they all hanging out in oakland at their houses? really. this is ridiculous. but i was glad to catch up with my friends. i've missed them the last few times they came up, so i'm glad i got to see them. all in all it was a good night. i just have to remember to not go to the castro.

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