Wednesday, June 27, 2007

tech wizard

so i finally got my office moved and now i'm having to deal with all the little details after moving. like setting up our entire netw0rk again. so yeah, i'm not a techy. i have figured shit out in the last 5 years because it just needed to get done. luckily i have some back-up in the form of nerdy hacker friends. but really. i majored in sociology and um, i have no background in technology. so it's interesting to me that i have been able to do all the work that has been asked of me. so yeah, i guess it's strength of mine to be able to just figure shit out. i guess that is what life is all about....figuring shit out. so yeah, tomorrow, hopefully, i'll have everything up and running again. at least everything made it to the new office space, considering they were laying carpet as our movers were packing up our old space. shit never goes according to plan, but that's how it goes. i'm trying to not make plans cuz they never work out how you want them to. but things always do work out. life is amazing and so am i.

i guess i'm back to thinking i'm awesome in all my quirky, crazy, fucked up glory.

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