Monday, July 26, 2010

take charge of my life!

my horoscope for this week:

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): During the course of the week, with Mars moving into your solar 2nd while your ruler Mercury finally arrives in your sign, the number-one topic to devote your pragmatic-analyst's mind to resolving: how to ensure the recent gains attained through more forthright assertiveness can be banked for lasting utility. Having gotten this far in your battle to overcome bashful self-denial, Virgo, you must commit to holding yourself to this new standard… or risk losing ground and slipping backwards into your restrictive self-containment chamber. It wouldn't hurt to outwardly articulate a few explicit statements of such commitment (i.e., 'I will never [blank] again!'; ' From here on out, I'll always [blank] instead of [blank]'; etc.)… mantras you can tape to your bathroom mirror, repeat each day during your morning meditations, or use as instigating guideposts for more detailed free-write journaling. Because everything you've lately achieved has been at least partially due to Saturn, it is not a fluke—it was hard-earned and, therefore, must be carefully safeguarded like the precious treasure it is.

I really have to work on this.  I can't slip back into my old ways.  They did not serve me.  Mantras to follow soon....

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