Friday, November 30, 2007

3 weeks to freedom

ok, so i finally did it. i gave notice today at my day job. as of december 21st i will be underemployed again. i don't really have a plan of what to do, but i know that i can't be there anymore. being there made me second guess my entire life and what i was doing. once i handed in my resignation letter, i felt a combination of relief and anxiety. i'm trying to focus on the relief part. i know i'll find another job and be able to pay all of my bills, i just need to not freak out about it. that's the big lesson from this not freak out about things i can't control and just trust that everything works out the way it's supposed to. things fall apart and then they come back together again. that is life. and it's all ok. nothing is permanent. just change. relax into it....

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