Tuesday, August 14, 2007

girl club names

so my current little rant has to do with girl club names. they are so fuckin' lesbianic and kinda make me throw up a little bit in my mouth. not to say that i don't go to them. but really....burning bush? venus fly love? velvet? sexy? blech. i want someone to come up with a clever club name. one that isn't so obviously gay. something a little smarter. smart gay. i don't want the rest of the world to think that homos are dumb too. i mean, they already think that we are evil and a sin against god and nature blah, blah blah. but really. we need to come up with some good club names. personally, i want to use the word coruscate in a club name. i mean, it's not obvious, but it is gay. anyways, if anyone has suggestions for girl club names, lay 'em on me.

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